Währung: EUR

Paderborner Pilsener | 4,8% | 24x0,33 l

19,99 €
Momentan nicht auf Lager

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The wines of the Oude Cape find their origin in the beautiful France Valley, where the steely ""Groot Drakenstijn"" -Gebirge has been a very important factor for the production of quality wines since 1693. Integrity, flexibility, creativity and innovation are also the main points of the Old Cape, and this plant is now alive in the new generation of winners on this hard work. For the Old Cape Wines, one has to choose from the best fruits of the whole region, and here it is known that the essence of a good wine is the quality of the fruit. 

The wine from Oude Kaap is the best fruit of the region and it is realized that the essence of a good wine is the quality of the fruit. Young and fruitful red wine, who, in the meantime, have had great success before becoming fruitful and self-sufficient drinks. A wine that actually wins something delicious. The red cherry fruit of driven such as Cinsault, Ruby/Cabernet and Merlot springs to the fore. Serve with a small percentage of Cabernet Sauvignon if this wine gives you more flavor.

For every occasion and celebrations to enjoy the night by yourself or with your friends and family, you've come to the right place as we only sell quality, excellence, and more! So come and take this opportunity to buy online Oude Kaap.

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